Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Little Things

During a trip to Walmart a few days ago I had a mind blowing realization. It was raining out, which was odd enough since it's mid January in Wisconsin, but Parker and I didn't want to get soaked. So Parker said, "Come on Mommy let's run!" and we did. A few months ago I would have told him no that a little water wouldn't hurt us, but not anymore. We ran across the parking lot holding hands going as fast as his little legs coud take him. It hit me about half way there, I just took off running on a whim. I can't remember the last time I have done that. Parker and I have always played a lot of outdoor games, but since he was littler I could move as fast as him without running. Now he is getting older and therefore faster. But, no worries, the slowly improving me is ready for him!

So, a little thing has just shown me how I am changing. I have lost 13 pounds since I have started my weight loss journey in November. I can't really see any difference yet but I know that there is one. I went shopping yesterday for a new pair of pants for our work party next week. I just picked up a few pair and decided not to try them on. I was shopping alone and without someone to tell me how they looked, did it really matter? I ended up grabbing two pair of skinny jeans that I thought that may fit me, and one pair that I know is still too small, but they are my "mini goal" pants. So, I got home and tried on my pants. I have been wearing a size 17 for the last year now, and I have noticed that they are getting looser on me. The first pair of pants I tried on were a size 15 jeans, and they fit! The second pair was a size 13 and I'm like oh there is no way these are going to fit, the 15's fit, these aren't going to fit too. But, THEY DID!!! Granted, they were a bit more stretchy material, but still, this is huge! I may not be able to tell that 13 pounds is gone, but being able to put on a smaller size pants and be comfortable shows me something.

Running across the parking lot with my son in the rain, putting on a smaller pair of pants, little things but it has made for a great week for me!

When I was at Walmart there was a bikini there that caught my eye, it's black and pink and white plaid and I want it. I have been trying to figure out what the appropriate weight is to wear a bikini again. I haven't worn one since I was about 130. I don't think that getting into a bikini this year is going to happen. I am all about healthy weight loss. Don't get me wrong I would love to drop all of my extra weight very quickly, but that's not healthy and won't lead to the permenant lifestyle change that I need to maintain my weight loss.

It's early in the morning, I don't even know why I am awake I should be sleeping, but I ended up going to bed early last night so I woke up really early and was just awake. I'm waiting for Brian's alarm to go off, we are planning on going to a camper show today. Indoors thankfully! It's about 6 degrees out right now and I am pretty sure I can hear the wind so I don't want to be outside. But I am looking forward to our outing. We have been looking at buying a new camper since last year already since ours is in really bad shape. We went to a show last year but didn't find anything that we knew was "the one". So we didn't get one and just used our old one very close to home. Then this fall we ended up buying a cabin up north. We hadn't really planned on buying a cabin, but the opportunity came up and we fell in love with it and ended up buying it. We have only been up there twice since we bought it in October and it's Winter now. But, I do enjoy the time we are there and I am looking forward to being there quite a bit this Summer. However, we do still want a camper so that we can go to other places as well.

I am looking forward to going to the show today becaust it will be a couple hours of walking around. It's like getting exercise and not even knowing it. Well, I do know it, but it's not like my usual exercise. And it's some quality time with Brian. Ever since I went to third shift we don't get to see eachother all that often. About half an hour a day during the week and on weekends we are usually pretty busy doing this or that. So, a couple of hours alone together with the other couple hundred people there should be fun.

See ya later!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrad's I just read your post and I'm glad you can see the difference but just so you know I can to and mom can also ... Its not something that happens over night if you want it to stick your right . And I wish you luck KEEP up the great work ... I hope to be out there come summer agian I have a freedom walk to do in Sept. I missed last yr because of my knee I have to push this knee to get better and do it this year I have the 11 mile walk to do then I can move onto my next task on my list of things to do ... Good Luck KEEP up the GREAT WORK !!!!
