Monday, January 14, 2013

Nothing Much

Hey there!

I don't really have much to actually write about today. I was just struck with the urge to write a bit. I am sitting here with Parker as he is doing his homework and I am totally amazed! That is my son. He came from me. I made him. I may have had some help, but I cooked him for 7 and a half months. I guess by now I shouldn't be amazed by this anymore since he is almost 6, but I am. I think when you stop being amazed by your children you should worry.

Parker doesn't really look like me, he does have my brown eyes and he does have a few freckles like me,but that is pretty much the extent of it. But let me tell you, this boy is so much like me it's a little scary. I remember when I was a teenager and I had an attitude and would get sassy my mom would say "someday I hope you have a kid just like you". I thought this would be awesome, I mean hello, I am totally awesome who wouldn't want more of me? Now that I am older and I have a son of my own, I have begun to analyze this a little more. His personality is so much like me and the things that come out of his mouth sound just like a mini me. Also, he is smart. I'm talking like really smart. Take a minute to brag here: at parent teacher conferences his teacher showed us his standardized test and the requirements are a minimum score of 20. The average score in her class was a 60-70. My boy 110!!! Ok brag time over, but you can see, he is smart. Sometimes too smart for his own good. When I try to bribe him, he uses logic to see that I am bribing him and negotiates more. He uses logic and reason to argue his points when he does or does not want to do something. Here is where I start to get worried. He is super cute, capable of smartness, and sassy. I'm not going to sugar coat, he has my attitude and that's a little scary! I guess my mom was right, I got a child that is just like me. But hey, I turned out pretty great so I'm not worried.

I am really proud that so far, even though it's only kindergarten, I can get him to sit and do his homework before he watches any t.v. or plays any video games and there is no argument. I am proud that he is independant and wants to learn new things and asks a million questions. Yes, I get annoyed at the questions sometimes, but that's how you learn things. I am happy that he is a little sponge soaking up information. So I sit here, and watch him work away and I couldn't be more proud. He does not care for fine motor skills, writing, drawing, the things like that, but that's ok. There are plenty of things that I don't like either.

Having him is also a great motivator for me. He knows that I go to college and he asks me if I have my homework done. He asks me how my classes are going and what I am learning. It makes me want to do great things just so that he can be as proud of me as I am of him. I am so happy that he is just the way he is, I couldn't ask for a better son!

That's pretty much all I wanted to say, I'm just being thankful for my son. Thankful that I have him, thankful that he is healthy with all that could have gone badly, thankful that he is so happy and full of spark and energy and amazingness, I hope that never changes!

Until next time!

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