Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nobody Saw Part 2

Here it is people,

2013 has arrived! It's set up to be one of the best years ever! I've got a lot planned and a lot of changes are coming so watch out!

If anyone read or remembers "Nobody Saw" (one of my previous posts) this is both a repeat and a big difference. There was a repeat of the situation, but a whole new take on it.

January 1st, 2013 was the start of my big changes for myself. My bestie and I were planning for months to run in the "Color My New Year" run in Oshkosh. We registered for it way back in October. It was supposed to be my first ever run, that is until I decided to do a run a month early. But it was still my first 5k run....ever. I have walked a few before, but never run. I knew it would be cold, I knew it meant no drinking on New Year's Eve ( but I don't drink much any way so that was no big deal.) But I also knew I wouldn't be alone. Ashley would be there with me, even if she can run a 5k way faster than me, she would be there and I wouldn't be alone.

So the day got closer and the anticipation built. I've trained hard for this, but mostly on a treadmill, I wasn't sure about myself. I can run 2.5 miles pretty easy, but haven't run the 5k yet. But that wasn't the worry, I was worried about the weather. January 1st could be a wicked day in Wisconsin. New Year's Eve the family was headed home from our cabin since I had to work that evening. I was texting Ashley to set up the final plans for the next day. We made the plans, there were facebook posts about excitement, everything was set. I went to work for 6:30p.m. and at 8:30p.m. I took my break and got the messages that changed the mood. Ashley had been sick all week and taking it easy so she would hopefully be feeling better for the run. She had told me that she wasn't feeling up to par and would be running slowly. But on my break she had texted me saying that her condition had worsened and she just didn't think it would be a good idea to run. I may have groaned out loud right in the break room. I totally understood, I knew she was really sick. I also knew that there was no way she would just bail for no reason at all. She was as excited as I was about this run even if a 5k is nothing for her these days. I knew if she said she couldn't do it then she was really sick and this illness meant business. I know that she felt awful and probably felt as though she was letting me down in some way. But I hope she realizes that that's not the case at all. I mean seriously, she ended up visiting the E.R. that night, I can't be mad at that. I know how much she wanted to do that run.

I honestly contemplated not going to the run. Really, what was the point without Ashley? It was supposed to be our thing. I sent Brian a message on break saying I wasn't sure what I was going to do. It would be so easy to just forget it and spend the day inside the house staying warm. Besides, I'd never run that far anyway, so why look like an idiot in front of all those people, right? Brian offered to go along to watch me, but then there was Parker. Brian was going to watch Parker for me while I ran and there was no way I wanted Parker to stand outside for that amount of time. So I told him no that I hadn't decided if I was even going to go. I spent the last two and a half hours of work stewing in my own thoughts. Should I? Shouldn't I? This is the conclusion I came to.

2012 would be over, and 2013 needs to be different. The 2012 me gave up easily, quit a lot of things that I started, and just didn't give 110%. Overall conclusion, 2012 was a quitter. 2013 will not be a quitter, I have been training for this run for two months, and I was going to do it. 2013 will start off a pusher. So I got home from work at 11:57p.m. didn't celebrate the new year really at all, and went to bed semi-early. I set my alarm, got up early, got into my running clothes and set off. If there was a sign of a great day, it came early. Ashley had the directions..... I have a GPS that has an attitude. I started out worried that I wasn't even going to get there on time. But, I looked up the address, and my sync system magically gave me no attitude at all!! Yes, 2013 was starting off pretty good. I was driving and looking at the temperature and the highest it got was 2 degrees. The lowest was -6 degrees. When I arrived on location it was 0 degrees. I sat in my truck for a minute or two doing the final contemplation. I could turn around right now and go home. It wouldn't make a difference. No one would know that I was ever there. It was below 0 with the windchill, and I hate the cold, and now I was doing this alone. But I took a deep breath and went inside. I got my number, 2013, everyone that preregistered was a 2013. I paced around inside the gym waiting for the starting lineup.

My motto for the color run: freeze or finish. I repeated it before the run, I repeated it while I was running. I repeated it everytime I wanted to just quit. Freeze or finish. It was the truth. Keep moving and stay warm. Stop moving and freeze. Sure the police would come and cart me to safety, but that was not an option. I was not quitting. 2013 is going to be different. I had set a goal for myself, I know that I am a slow runner, with a 13 minute mile, but today was different. I had never run in this cold of a temperature outside. So, I was generous with myself, I said if I could finish in 45 minutes I would be happy. Proud to say that I finished in 44:26! I know that's not a super great time, and yes I had to walk a few times. I made the mistake of breathing too deeply and started coughing and that went into a coughing spree. But I never stopped! Not even once, I just kept moving even if I couldn't run the whole time.

I crossed the finish line, and again realized I was alone. I did this, I started I finished, and once again nobody saw. Well, actually a lot of people saw. People that were there to see other people, and noone there to see me. But instead of it making me sad and depressed this time, it made me smile. I really had done this for me and just for me. Noone else. I didn't need anyone there, I did it for me. So I asked someone to take my picture, and then I headed home. I was happy! I did it! Ok, I know that a 5k is still not a big deal, but it is when I think about all the people that did nothing that day. I do need to add that I did have an Aunt that is really supportive of me offer to come and watch me run, but with the temperature being so cold I told her to stay home and stay warm. There's no reason to put anyone at risk of getting sick for my selfishness.

So here it is, the 2013 1st Annual Color My New Year Run:

I got icicles on my eyelashes from sweat that froze there. My thighs never did warm up the whole time, but it was great! Will I be there again next year? Hellz yes! And hopefully my bestie Ashley won't be sick and we can do it together!!!!
Until next time,
Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. That is so AWESOME I'm proud of you congrad's ... Told you ,you could do this keep up the great work and I hope Ashly feels better soon... When I read about her not feeling good I thought of you the last time you didn't feel good maybe thats what was wrong with her ? So when's the next run ??? Oh if you would of called I'm sure we would of watched Parker so Brian could of been there for you . It was great to see that he offered to be there for you I'm glad you did it GOOD JOB !!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!
