Monday, January 7, 2013

I See London....

I see London, I see France, I can see my underpants

I am so happy and so proud to announce that my pants are falling down! Usually this is a bad thing and an annoyance, but for me, it's awesome because this time I know that they are falling down because I have lost weight and not becasue they are getting too tight. It's a good feeling to know that my work is making a difference. I first discovered this a few nights ago at work. I kept having to pull my pants up. I wear foldover yoga pants to work, and once I noticed that they were falling down it really bugged me because I didn't want everyone to see. (Kind of a stupid thought since I wear a lab coat that covers to my knees)

I have a pair of jeans that I used to be able to wear and I can once again get them on and button them, but they are still a bit too tight for me to be comfortable wearing them in public. I actually have a lot of pairs of pants that no longer fit, all the way down to a size 9 so I am covered for a little while in the pants department.

I watched the premier of the newest season of The Biggest Loser last night. They had kids on the show this season. It really made me think about childhood obesity. When I started running and working out, my son would see me and he thought that he needed to start exercising too. I told him that he didn't need to exercise that mom is fat and that's why she needs to do it. But, as I am getting more into the healthy new me, I realize that this is just not true. My son should be exercising. Maybe he doesn't need to do a workout dvd or go on a structured run, but he should be active. But I have decided that when I am working out if he wants to work out with me, he can. Thursday night I was doing a Jillian Michaels workout, and he says "I can do that mom, wanna see?" So I encouraged him to do it with me. Of course this was a bit distracting because he was just so darn cute. But dang, can my boy plank! So I have set another goal for the year 2013 of finding more active things that Parker and I (and anyone else that wants to join since my bestie and I love having active playdates) can do together. I have always made a point to spend quality time with Parker, but a lot of times it's playing with toys or playing a game. This year I am going to be more active and set him up to lead a healthy lifestyle. It should be fairly easy since he never says no to anything outside. We do enjoy walking our dog, but he gets annoyed because she is protective of him so anytime anyone or anything comes near him she will walk in front of him and usually ends up tripping him with her leash. I know the struggles I have gone through with my weight and i don't want my son to go through this.

So to summarize, my pants are falling down and I love it! And 2013 is going to be a very active year!

That is all,

until next time!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! And love outdoor play dates! We will definitely have to take the kiddos sledding at the high school hill soon! I see people there all the time now and it looks like lots of fun! Yes, I said it, at 26 years old, sledding looks fun! Hehe!
