Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's been Awhile..

Throwback to some Stained there in the title! But it's true, it has been awhile. I kind of knew that it would be once classes started again. My crazy life gets a littel crazier then. And the further along I get in school the harder it gets, who would have thought? Anyway, on to my life.

Ashley and I have started doing hot yoga. This is basically yoga but what makes it so appealing is it done in a hot room. Let me tell you, with Wisconsin winter on in full blast, hot yoga was just the escape we needed. We have gone twice now, and done a session with each of the two instructors. They each have their own style, but are both just as effective. Yoga is really quite a workout, but it is so relaxing. After it's over it is usually time for me to take a quick nap before work, and let me tell you, I fall asleep right away and sleep like a little baby. I don't want to get up when my alarm goes off, but I usually don't want to any night. Working 3rd shift really sucks! I really don't like it. But, I love my son and it's what I have to do, working 2nd is not an option anymore.

This week was pretty awesome, back in October I had gotten Brian and I tickets to see Jeff Dunham live in Green Bay and it was finally time to go see him this past Friday!!!! I was so excited!!! Traffic was nuts, and I slipped and fell on the stairs in the place and I have some awesome sore spots from it, but oh well. It was so worth it!!! I am really glad that we went, it was so worth taking a night of vacation from work.

Yesterday I was working on getting Parker's birthday party invitations finalized and printed out, but my printer would not cooperate with me. Growl! But I can't believe that my baby is turning 6 in three weeks! I know that all moms go through this every year as their kids get older, but it just blows my mind. My little guy isn't so little anymore. He is independant and sassy and smart and just overall amazing! Again lately I have been getting questioned by several people as to when Brian and I are going to have a baby. Sorry people my answer still has not changed. We are still a one child family. It's true I do have a sadness at the fact that my baby will never again be that tiny baby that I could hold whenever I wanted. That little baby that I could comfort so quickly when others could not. He is now a boy that I get to watch grow and learn. I guess that sadness isn't strong enough for me to want to be pregnant again. I was not good at being pregnant and I do not wish to go through it again. So, I guess I will just be stuck being sad that my baby isn't a baby anymore.

After birthday invitation making I got some cleaning done, then went to the store and got some supplies. I had some people over to play dominoes last night. Not a party or anything just my sister and her crew and my brother and my bestie and her little man. It's funny that some people my age (kids or no kids) spend their Saturday nights out partying and drinking all night and I am perfectly happy being at home with a few people playing a nice mild game of dominoes. Sometimes we even get wild and play cards! I have to say, I really do love my life!

So Valentine's day is coming up next week....Boy are we romantic this house, Brian wants and is getting a chainsaw for Valentine's day. As for me, he told me what his idea is to get me, and it's something that I have been saying that I really want so I am excited! Sorry, can't spill what it is cause that would ruin the surprise! Honestly though, I have been thinking abouttelling him not to get me that though because it's something that I really don't need and really isn't useful in any way it's just something I saw and would like to have. I have thought about telling him to just put that money towards the new treadmill that I would like to buy myself. I really actually need a treadmill and it would be really usefull. I had one for a few weeks before it broke and tried to throw me out of a 2nd story window. I don't know.... I still haven't decided on a treadmill though. They are kind of expensive for  a really nice one. But then I think of the cost of my health and weight loss journey vs the cost of a gym membership around here and I don't think a treadmill is all that expensive. I guess we shall see. So for Valentine's day Brian will enjoy his chainsaw, which actually benifits me as well since he wants it so he can cut wood for burning at the cabin, and I will enjoy my....still can't tell you what it is!!!! And we will go on in our super romantic ways of life! Next time I write I will try to put a picture of my Valentine's gift so you can see what it is!! It's pretty good, that man actually does listen to me when I talk!
Until then!

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