Wednesday, January 14, 2015

That thing that I did...almost part 2

 When I last left off it was Wednesday and we had picked up our race bibs and packets. The bibs were pretty awesome, they had our names on them and everything. How cool is that?

Thursday we had to get up bright and early. Well not bright because it was still quite dark out. We woke up to a wind chill advisory. What the heck does a wind chill advisory mean in Florida? I'm from Wisconsin born and raised, to me that means -10 degrees or more. Apparently in Florida it means about 42 degrees. Not bad right? WRONG!! It doesn't seem bad until you are standing outside in it for 2 and a half hours IN RUNNING CLOTHES! We. Were. Cold! and pretty miserable. With the event being so big they had us get there really early, and we were in the last corral so after the first runners started it was about another 45 minutes before we even got to start. No kidding, they were finishing the 5k before we even started it.

We finished the whole 5k and we were still cold. We had planned on going to Magic Kingdom afterwards because it was the shortest run, but it was just too cold out. Yeah I know, we are from Wisconsin, it wasn't that bad, but it was.  So we enjoyed the hot tub and went to bed.
Friday was the 10k, again no big deal, only 6.2 miles. So we did that, and then we went to Magic Kingdom. The run ended at Epcot so we took 2 different monorails to get into Magic Kingdom. Like I said before, I've never been to Disney World before so I was pretty excited.

The very first ride we decided to go on was Peter Pan's Flight. There was no wait so we were like bring it on! Of course, the ride had a problem while we were on it, and the whole thing stopped! We were left hanging in the air, in the pitch black! But they got it going pretty quickly again and everything was all fine and dandy. We went on a few more rides, including an actual roller coaster.
Here is us (and our medals) on Big Thunder Mountain.

And here is a picture I got of Princess Jasmine, cuz she is my favorite!
And more selfies of me and my medal! I know it was only a 10k, but it's all about the bling!

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