Sunday, January 4, 2015

Reflections and resolutions

 So 2014 has escaped us and we are now into 2015. As the year came to a close I spent some time thinking about my year. I have to say that 2014 was a year of big change for me. There were highs and lows, but I feel like this year sped by me and I can't believe that it's gone already.

  In 2014 I ran my first half marathon. This is something that not too long ago I never would have thought I would be doing. It was hard and I learned some lessons about proper fuel and hydration. But, I did it and I finished it. I also went on to run another half marathon. So, I went from thinking it was nuts to even think I could do it to actually doing it. I learned that if I put my mind to it and put in the effort to get there, I can do these things. I currently am just a few days away from completing my first marathon. (Also to be noted that I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth!)

  2014 Brought its share of sorrow. In July my husband lost his mother. This was very tough on me as I had grown rather close to her in the years that my husband and I have been together. Even when we were told that it was just a matter of days, I don't think I really believed that it was actually the end for her. I really think there was a part of me that actually thought she would pull through and make it and still be here with us. The whole thing really got my husband and I thinking about our lives and how prepared we are or are not in the event that something should happen to one of us. We have definitely looked at some things differently now.

   Following my mother in law's death there was another death in my husband's family, and 2 short weeks later my Uncle died. This was unexpected and he was way too young. Once again showing us that you can't count on tomorrow.

 Parker continued to grow and amaze me in 2014. I am so proud of the boy that he is becoming. He continues to excel in reading, he is now reading at an upper 5th grade level in the 2nd grade. He doesn't enjoy art and writing, but you can't win 'em all. I also don't like art so I don't blame him. He is getting involved in team sports now and starting to figure out who he is. It's so rewarding to see him grow and his personality develop.

  Brian and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary this year. I can't believe we have been married a year already. Time is really flying! We got to meet our new baby niece, also Brian's goddaughter, which is always exciting!

   As the year came to a close I began to think about my goals for 2015. Goals, resolutions, pretty much the same. My first goal obviously is to complete the Dopey Challenge at Disney World. This is set to go down in less than a week. Ashley and I actually leave for Disney World in less than 2 days. At this point I am not so much worried about the running, I am worried about the plane ride.  I have never been on a big plane, I've never been in an airport at all. I have been in a small four passenger plane, but I can't imagine they are the same at all. So I guess I will get past the plane worries and then I can deal with the nervousness about the upcoming endevour.

 After the Dopey Challenge I have set some other goals for myself for 2015. I have already lost 30 pounds in 2014 and I plan to lose a lot more in 2015. I have one particular dress that I want to fit into. It's pretty close right now, but not there yet. I have a long way to go in my journey but I know that it takes time to get there and I will do it. I plan on continuing my running in 2015. Since I will have a marathon under my belt in a few days, I'm not sure if I will do anything completely new in that area,but I do plan on working on improving and getting better and better.  I hope to finally get my first college degree....way behind schedule, but life happens...

   We hope to own a farm in the near future, beef cattle, chickens, maybe a few pigs, and one heck of a garden, so our big goal in 2015 is to hopefully make that start to happen.

To end my reflections, a quick photo dump from when we went to a botanical garden light display recently. Parker, me, my brother, and his girlfriend went. It was new to all of us and even though Parker wasn't feeling very well, he was a trooper and didn't complain very much. I'm easily distracted by shiny things so I love looking at lights! They had some pretty cool displays.

 I love the little turtle in this last picture!!!

Next time you hear from me I will be a Dopey Challenge finisher decked out with 6 shiny medals!!!

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