Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nap time

  From the moment my alarm clock went off this morning I was thinking about taking a nap. Like no kidding, I hit the snooze and thought, I don't have anything to do after work today, I think I will take a nap. Parker will be with his dad, Brian will be at work, I shall nap. Then I went to work and felt about the same amount of tired as normal. I got home and let the dog out, fed the kittens, and went upstairs....and didn't take a nap. Instead I grabbed my laptop and my school book and headed to the couch and got my learning on. I read a chapter for class, which made me really want to take a nap, and then got some homework done. I never did take that nap. And now it's too late. But, that's ok. I've learned I really don't need to nap. But alas, I will probably end up in bed by 8pm to watch a bit of tv before falling asleep. I will also get some sort of workout in tonight. I think I may even hit the treadmill. My knee has been feeling pretty good lately, with the exception of stairs and this side to side hop thing that Ashley and I did during our workout on Tuesday. Know what I've learned, (I'll tell ya) I've learned that the busier I am, the better I feel. Yes when I got up this morning I was tired and wanted to crawl back into bed, but I know that skipping a nap and getting in a run is going to make me feel even better.

   Speaking of feeling better, when I was on my Disney adventure, I didn't weigh myself once. I ate all the carbs, like for serious, every freaking one!  and I didn't think about it once. I came home 4 pounds lighter than when I left. Might have something to do with the 30 some miles of adventure we did while there, I don't know, just a thought, probably couldn't get away with eating that all the time and lose 4 pounds. Since I have gotten home from vacation, not only have I maintained that loss, but I have actually lost 4.5 more pounds! People, this puts me really close to the 40 pounds lost mark! I am thinking that I am going to buy myself something when I reach that goal. I haven't bought myself "gifts" so far for losing weight, but I am kinda getting to that point where it's an actual significant amount gone. (and never coming back, sorry you are no longer welcome here!)
    That being said, it's important for me to have things to do. The last year has been spent looking forward to the dopey  challenge. Now that it's over, I need something new. So I have been contemplating a few things and working out my plan of attack. I need events, I just do or I am not motivated. I'm a girl, I have shiny object syndrome, the bling of these events motivates me. I don't care if it's shallow, whatever, it's gotten me almost 40 pounds lighter, let's keep this going.  I guess my point here is this, if you are bored reading about my running adventures, you should probably not continue reading in the future because I really love the running and I plan on doing it a lot. (Like continuing the event every month thing)

  I bought a spiralizer and it came and I tried it out this week. IT IS AWESOME!!! I made zoodles, which are zucchini noodles, and I put it with chicken and mushrooms that I cooked in a teriyaki sauce. It was sooooo yummy!!!! The sauce actually isn't bad for you except the huge amounts of sodium, but I try not to worry about that because I don't actually add salt to food when I cook or eat. An awesome low carb dinner that I know I will be making again real soon! I also have plans to spiralize a lot more things, so watch out, spiraled veggies are coming!

   By the way, did you know that whole grain peanut butter poptarts have like 72 grams of carbs in them? I started eating them before longer runs and never looked at the nutrition facts. Well, yeah....guess that explains why they are great running fuel....and not going in my lunch box like ever again! that's almost half my daily allowance of carbs right there, not worth it! I will still probably eat them before long runs, but I get extra carbs those days so I don't think it matters.


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