Friday, February 7, 2014

What besties are for

 Pretty much anyone that has read my blog even once or knows me in real life knows that Ashley is my bestie. I can't even tell you how awesome she is. Recently I was doing some scanning in a facebook group that I am part of and I came across a post where a girl was ranting about the fact that since she had started running a few of her friends/coworkers had decided to start running. This girl was extremely annoyed by this fact. So much so that she was debating telling those people how annoyed she was in hopes that they would stop. She felt that running was "her thing" and she didn't want to share it.

This got me to thinking. Ashley is 100% to thank (blame/curse depending on the day lol) for me starting to run. She started running and when she discovered how much she enjoyed it she invited me to join her. If she hadn't, I most likely never would have started. Before I started my journey to becoming healthy I had thought about working out, but running had never crossed my mind. The only time I have ever run was when I was in the Army and I hated it with a passion. That is an entirely different kind of running people, way different!  Ashley and I sometimes ran together, sometimes not. And by run together I mean we start at the same time and then take off and do our thing and meet at the end. But that makes all the difference in the world.

After reading this girl's post about how mad it made her that she had inspired people, I really thought about what it meant to me that Ashley had shared "her thing" and made it "our thing". I love the fact that we can get together and do things that are fitness related. I have so many awesome memories of the runs we have done together. I'm so fortunate to have a bestie that isn't annoyed by the fact that she is an inspiration to me.

I know that not being able to run through her pregnancy has been tough for her. I know she is very much itching to get back to it. I keep her updated on my progress so that she stays motivated and so that she knows when she gets back to it I will be right there and hopefully a little better at keeping up with her. That girl is fast people, she ran her  half marathon in 2 hours 17 minutes! That's less than a 10 minute mile for over 13 miles!!! She is amazeballs!!! I think it's important for me to recognize this and let her know how much I appreciate her for sharing "her thing".

Have a fantastic day!

Also, you must check out my newest medal. This one is by far my favorite yet. Seeing some summery things is the middle of our super cold "polar vortex" laden winter was totally worth logging some miles to get this baby!

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