Monday, January 6, 2014

12 in 12 months recap

     In December of 2012 I did a 2 mile sleigh bell run in preparation for the 5k I was planning on running New Years day. At some point in time I set a goal to run one official event every month for 12 months. I've posted along the way but I figured I'd do a recap of all 12.

December 2012 Ashley and I did the sleigh bell run in Kiel. This was a two mile event for me and the start of my 12 in 12 months.

January I did the color my new year run in Oshkosh. Ashley was very ill so I flew solo on this one. I had icicles on my eyelids when I was done but I was so proud to finish my first 5k.

February Ashley and I did the Schneelauf 5k in Elkhardt Lake. I got hit with a really bad migraine and thought I was going to throw up but I finished. (And did throw up at Parker's b-day party a few hours later)

March we did a 5k on St. Patty's Day. This was a tough one for me, I wrote a post about it and don't need to go back there.

April was the Oshkosh 5k for me and Ashley's first half marathon.

May was the Dream in Color 5k in Manitowac. I did this one with Parker, it was so fantastic crossing the finish line with him!

June Ashley and I did our first obstacle course run, the Edge the Ledge in Fond Du Lac...killer!

July was the firecracker pie at the finish

August was the dirty girls mid run, this was probably my favorite run of any that we did. I totally plan on doing this one again in 2014.

Septrmber's plans got changed and we didn't end up doing the run we had planned so instead I did a virtual run. The I run for Kaysen 5k was a charity run for a tiny baby in need of a heart transplant.

October me, Ashley' her son and her sister did a local run to raise awareness against bullying. I love it when the kiddos get involved! I hope Parker gets involved more this year.

And finally.....

November, number 12..... I did the great turkey run of 2013. I got this awesome medal, even though it's just for finishing and not being the fastest, I have to admit I am kind of addicted to earning medals.

So I completed my goal and even though my fitness journey got off track I didn't give up. Stay tuned people big things are coming in 2014!