Saturday, February 28, 2015

A week in the life

Hey there, it's been awhile. But, I've been busy, just wait until I tell you. Actually I don't even have time to be doing this right now but I just finished a big homework assignment and I need a bit of a break before I dive right into the next one.

My life right now is pretty nuts. In a few weeks it will hopefully settle down, but right now it is absolutely crazy and I am really thankful that I have NOTHING on my schedule for today.

Let's start with Monday, I wake up at 5:30am, get ready for work, wake Parker up (he doesn't really need to get up so early but he likes to see me in the morning before I leave for work.) and get out the door for work by 6am. I work until 3:15pm drive almost 45 minutes and pick Parker up from his after school thing. It's pretty much a babysitter, but it's right at the school so he doesn't need to worry about going anywhere, and they help him get his homework done which is a total blessing some days. We get home about 4:15pm and I have literally 30 minutes to change my clothes, get Parker food and get back out the door again. I take Parker to my brother's house, he is super awesome to watch him so I can go to class. After I drop Parker off I head to school, I am very thankful it's not far at all or my schedule just would not work. I have class from 5 to 9:20pm although most times we get out early which is very nice. After class I head over to my brother's, pick up Parker, and head home. I get Parker in the shower and off to bed then get myself in the shower before collapsing into my bed. No spare moment to think.

Tuesday, simple, repeat Monday except a little more tired and worn out.

Wednesday, same procedure in the morning, work, then picking up Parker after school. We go home and we actually have a little bit to relax. And by relax I mean catch up on the dishes and laundry and go through Parker's backpack and make sure all his stuff is taken care of and then actually cook a meal for us. Then on a typical Wednesday I go to my bestie's house and we workout. I know that I don't have to fit this in my schedule, but actually, yes I do. One thing I have learned through this journey is that it is very important to take care of myself and to put me first sometimes.  After the workout, it's just some time to chill a bit with Parker before bed.

Thursday is another busy day, same work routine, after I pick up Parker we have exactly one hour to get him to Tae Kwon Do class. Class is in the opposite direction of home so it doesn't really pay to go home for a few minutes to turn around and go back the way we came. So we get some food then it's time for class. After class we head back to home just in time for me to make my yoga class. Now yes, I again realize I do not have to do this. But it is very relaxing and also helpful to stretch my muscles after the beating they get at work.

Friday was an easy day. Work, no Parker after work because it's his dad's weekend. I got an oil change after work, then met my brother for some supper and just general chatting. Then I came home and crawled into bed and did some homework. I was still up when Brian got home from work so we watched a little tv before going to sleep.

Then there is today. I have felt myself getting sick all week. Today it is full blown and I feel pretty miserable. I want to lay in bed and sleep, but I have a ton of homework to get done. Brian is at work so I am home all alone. I also have a lot of stuff I want to get done around the house, but I just feel like junk. Guess that shouldn't surprise me, pretty much everywhere you look someone is sick right now. It only makes sense that I would get it too.  So the plan today is to sit around in my pj's and do homework. Perfectly acceptable because the homework needs to get done so I can get my fancy piece of paper. My to do list is about a mile long and I just don't care right now.

Next week will pretty much be a repeat of this week. But throw in the fact that Parker turns 8 on Tuesday. Don't get me started on that right now, I can't even handle it. What happened to my baby?

Until next time, here's to hoping I survive this craziness a few more weeks until spring break. Then it's a whole week off of school, which means an extra week for homework!

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