Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I'm sitting in my bed watching Scrubs on Netflix and eating my supper thinking about the events of my day. I went to work where I worked hard (like worked up a sweat and smelled a bit funky) and then I came home. It wasn't raining so Ashley and I headed out for a run/walk. As it turns out, I should eat a bit more throughout the day if I plan on running right after work. We ended up doing just short of 3 miles in 50 minutes so I still feel like I got a decent workout. We also got to have a good chat while we moved.

Anyway, during our chat we were talking about the Dopey Challenge that we are registered for. Recently I realized that we are just 6 months out from this event. 231 days out to be exact. (Not that I have been watching the countdown clock or anything) It seems so far away, but then I realized that it's just 6 months. 6 months fly by like nothing!!! We have a training plan in place so as long as I stick to it I am confident that we shall do fine.  But it is seriously hitting me that we are going to do this. We are going to get on a plane, and fly to Florida where we shall run a 5k the first day, a 10k the next day, a half marathon the day after that, and a full marathon on the 4th day.

Yes, I said a FULL MARATHON!!!! That's 26.2 freaking miles!!! That's like me deciding to run to work instead of driving to work. WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN US INTO????? Yes, it is all my fault. I saw this picture on my facebook newsfeed of a guy who had just done this challenge and he was wearing the medals that he had earned, and I pretty much instantly knew that I must do this. I sent the picture to Ashley, and since she is just as nuts as I am she text back within a few minutes that she was totally in. From that moment we knew that we must do this. So we anxiously waited until registration opened and 17 minutes after registration opened, we were registered for the Dopey Challenge!!!

I'm glad that we registered right away because within a few hours the challenge sold out....but now I sit here and realize how close and how fast this thing is going to sneak up on us, and I am freaking out. I must just keep telling myself to stick to the plan and it will be fine. Ask me again how fine it is after Ashley and I are done running 26.2 miles....26.2 miles after doing 13.1 miles the day before...again, WHAT HAVE I DONE???

1 comment:

  1. Hey you know you can do this .... Keep the training up and do what you need to do and you will be fine . You have Ashley by your side . She will keep you going and I expect and up date while your doing this so I can CHEER you's on .... Good Luck ladies you got this .... ' YOU CAN DO IT !!!! "
