Friday, May 9, 2014


Lately I've been very buy. The weather is getting nicer and nicer and I love it! I've been getting outside and getting more active. It's a lot easier for me when it's nice outside. Have a quick photo dump of my adventures....

My good friend Nara asked me to do a 5k with her. It was her first one, (I think she is totally hooked now). Even though it was cold and rainy we still had a great time and it was nice to catch up with her again.

 Parker helped me pick out these Yoda earbuds, the force was with me. There is a tiny green man in my ears!!
This is us after we finished.. YAY MEDALS!!! They don't just hand those things out, you have to earn them.

Parker is a very busy little man right now. This is from his first baseball game. He hit a ball and was so excited about it! I'm so proud of him for getting active and involved. It's a lot of time for me with practices and games and everything, but it's so worth it.

Here's a pic from Parker's soccer game last weekend. He is number 14 in the green shirt.
We went to Fleet Farm last Saturday and on our way home we had an encounter with this guy. We passed him and I was so worried that he was going to get run over so Brian turned around so I could get him off the road. (Maybe I have a soft spot because I have a tortoise, but whatever the reason, I did not want this guy to get run over.) When I nudged him to see if he was alive I was shocked because he whipped around and tried to bite me! Whoa buddy, I am trying to help you!!! I was going to try and pick him up from the back but then I noticed that he also had long claws that looked like they would easily gash me. So Brian got out of the truck and  we were looking for  a stick that we could use to make him move. We couldn't find a strong enough stick, but Brian grabbed my snow scraper (Guess it's a good thing I still had it in there after this never ending winter). He was trying to just prod him a bit and make him walk towards the side, but  thing just kept trying to attack him! Meanwhile, people are driving past occasionally and I can only imagine what they were thinking. The turtle just kept spinning in circles so eventually Brian had to kind of roll him to the side of the road. In the end he got him moved off the road, and I am hoping he went down the ditch and into the pond and not back onto the road. I don't know how fast snapping turtles grow, but I would guess this guy was pretty old.

Parker and I got our bikes out on Sunday. We walked them to the track nearby our house so Parker would be more comfortable riding and I could go on my own and still see him as I was going around. Then we rode our bikes back home. All in all we went about 5miles. I am pretty proud of him and his little legs. 5 miles of walking and biking is a lot for those little legs and a one speed bike.

Monday I started 1st shift!!! I am really happy to be on a "normal" schedule. Something I haven't had in 5 years. I get to sleep at night. Although I am having trouble with this, I am so used to not sleeping more than a few hours at a time, so when I am trying to sleep I wake up a lot. I am getting up at 5:30 a.m. which is an adventure because I have never been a morning person. They are kicking my ASS on first shift!! Like no joke! I have lost 3 pounds this week and I am fairly certain that it is all sweat. I have lifted hundred, seriously hundreds, of 40 pound blocks this week among all the other things that I have lifted. My muscles are all sore and jello like. I have had no problem falling asleep (the first time). But, I feel good. I am working hard and time goes fast because there is no time to look at the clock. It's also really nice to walk out  of work and go about my night knowing that I can do the things I need to do and still get a good night of sleep.

I must be enjoying first shift because I volunteered to work tomorrow. (Saturday) Although it's not a production day, we are just checking product and opening product. Another plus to first, I can work a Saturday and still have a decent weekend. Since Brian has to work Saturday morning and Parker is with his Dad, I figured I would work.

I'm looking forward to more good weather this weekend and enjoying Mother's Day...

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