Friday, March 21, 2014

The Beard

  Every winter my husband grows a beard. It doesn't really bug me because he keeps it pretty well under control. It doesn't really get all that long and if it does he will usually trim it. Also, he usually shaves it at the end of January for my work winter party. He doesn't make me shovel snow like ever, so I don't complain. If that's the tradeoff, then I guess it's not so bad. But this winter...this winter has been different. This winter I have some issues with that beard.
    First of all, he started growing his beard the day we got married. It's like we are Amish, he literally hasn't shaved since the day we got married. I guess considering that was October, it's no that awful. Except we are going on like 6 months of that beard!!! It was so freaking cold out this winter (like no joke, 50 below temps with the wind chill. And for many days, not just a day or two), that he didn't even shave for the winter party this year. Here we are, officially into spring, and he still has not shaved. So I didn't get my mid winter clean shave, and he still hasn't shaved the thing off. We had a discussion about it recently it went like this:

me: when are you going to shave your beard off?
Brian: It's still cold out.
me:  But it's spring now, it's been like 6 months.
Brian: It snowed out today, that gives me another week.
me: The snow didn't even stick, you can shave.
Brian: You aren't mad at the beard you are mad at the weather.
me: Of course I'm mad at the weather, shave your beard.

I lost, the beard is still there because it's still cold out and supposed to be below freezing again this weekend. So I am trying to decide how to wage war against the beard, but I doubt that I will win. The beard has the force of Brian behind it and he is bigger than me.

I did get a good laugh today though. Went to the carwash. Took the dog along....good times...good times. Also yesterday, there was a patch of sunshine in the afternoon so I decided to get out my new road bike for a test run. For some reason I decided to start out going downhill...and about 5 seconds later I discovered that my brakes didn't work. Luckily I don't live in a busy neighborhood though so I survived. I made it back home and Brian made some adjustments so that my brakes work and it's all good now.

That's pretty much all I've got for now. Looking forward to some sunshine so that I can be rid of the beard. But looking at the weather, he is right, it will be at least another week.

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