Monday, March 10, 2014

Goal setting

     Awhile back I wrote a post about my goals for this year. I've got some big things planned this year, but I have awhile before any of them get here. I know myself, and this is not a good thing. I need small goals, small things to work towards all the time or I won't make it. I've been doing ok training for things lately, and I do actually have something coming up. This weekend is the dreaded redo of last year's St. Patty's Day run. I am both looking forward to and completely dreading this run. I know how much of a run is mental, and I am totally worried that my brain is going to get to me and wreck this run again. But that's the reason that I am doing this specific run. Last year this run got me. It got me big time. But I need to beat it. I will run it and even if I don't do fantastic, I will do better than last year. But after this run I don't have any particular thing planned for awhile. I am doing a run in April, but I don't have a specific goal for this one. It's one a friend of mine invited me to do with her so I am just going to do it and see how it turns out.

      Anyway, I needed to set a small goal for myself, something to work towards in the mean time. I recently put myself on a shoe shopping ban. Except for the cycling shoes I am going to buy, but these are for a specific purpose.(This sucks big time!) So of course just a few short days after I put myself on a shoe ban, I go to walmart and see these guys.
I mean, totally awesome! Go walmart you have done well with this one. But of course there was the stupid shoe ban that I have placed on myself!!! So I contemplated it for a day, then consulted my bestie, and she agreed that I must have them. So I decided that if I use them for an incentive then I could justify them. So today these babies are in my possession, however, I am not allowed to wear them until I am 10 pounds lighter. So I am going to weigh myself today, and when you see me wearing these awesome shoes, you will know that I am down 10 pounds from today. Need to bust some booty, cuz I wanna wear these. And I'm pretty sure that Ashley is going to get herself a pair so we can be shoe buddies!!! Yes, we are grown adults and we still love to buy the same things and wear them at the same time totally on purpose. We are awesome and we know it.

     So here is my new goal, lose 10 pounds so I can wear my new shoes. That should get me through a bit until my next goal. I am thinking it's going to be in May, but nothing set in stone yet.


  1. Yes for shoe rewards! Love!

  2. You can do that new goal no problem . You've set goals before and done it and I know my nieces can do anything they put there minds to . One step at a time and you will make this goal just like you have many others ..... Those shoes will look awesome on your feet in that run " GOOD LUCK " !!!
