Monday, July 22, 2013

Close Quarters

  Yesterday we got back from Rock USA. It was four days of heat, sweat, a little rain, music, grilling out, festival foods, and a little drinking.....Did I mention HEAT and SWEAT????

There are a lot of things that can and will test the relationship of two people. Being in close quarters, such as those of our camper, is one of those things. Brian and I spent four days living in our camper at Rock USA. Oh yeah, with three other grown adults!! We weren't lucky enough to get an electric site, so we had to power everything  with a  generator. We could run the air conditioner, but due to campsite rules, we could only run the generator until about 1am, so by morning it was HOT! I learned  few things, it's really nice being the ones that own the camper cuz we were the only ones that got an actual bed! The couch has a built in fold out air mattress, and the table drops down to a bed as well, but still, I think those are meant for kids more so than grown adults....anywhoo....

We had filled the water tanks so we could grab a shower at least, but the original plan had been to use the porta potties since they weren't that far and Brian didn't want to have to empty the black water (or as I call it, the poop tank) Well as it turns out, I don't like porta potties, and they make me gag. After I almost tossed my cookies, Brian said we could use the bathroom in the camper. Yay, I love my man! And that shower I talked about, it was short, kinda chilly, and odd to not just leave the water run the whole time. But come on, there are only 42 gallons of water and there were 5 adults that needed to shower. I got soap in my eye, and in my mouth (and I wasn't even cussing!! Come on, isn't soap in the mouth reserved for cussing?) But man did that shower feel good!!!

The festival it self was pretty good. I don't really listen to that type of music and was really only interested in seeing two bands. The first was Godsmack, that was freaking awesome! Someone had a connection to someone that got us in the VIP section for Godsmack. The chairs were zip tied together, but it was great. I turned around and saw the huge mass of people behind the VIP fence and I was a little nervous. All it takes is one stupid drunk person to shove one other stupid drunk person and that could have gone downhill in a hurry. But everything was good, the show was so worth it, and we made it back to the campsite pretty quickly. Someone did tear out a section of decorative fence around a booth to make a shortcut, but I didn't do it so I don't feel all that bad I was just following the crowd in the general direction of the camping area. The other band I wanted to see was Road Trip, a local band that I have seen on a few occasions. Honestly I was disappointed. First of all, they played a few country songs and a few pop songs and I think 1 rock song....ummmm...hello, did we forget that it was Rock USA? Anyway, besides that they just didn't sound as good as they have in the past.

Even though I don't listen to the other bands that were at the festival, I went to see several of them. Surprisingly, I liked Twisted Sister, can't believe that I just said that. But my biggest shock was Jackyl. I actually know a few Jackyl songs and I didn't even know it. But he also put on a really good show! I was really shocked that I enjoyed it, but Brian said that I would so let's not tell him that I admitted he was right we can't have that.

Another good thing about the weekend was the fact that I didn't have to cook. I don't know how to grill good, and I didn't want to give anyone food poisoning, and I have ever been able to cook eggs, so I was relieved of cooking duties.

All in all it was a great mini-vacation. I got two books read, did a lot of relaxing, heard some good music, tried some delicious spiral spuds with nacho cheese and ranch seasoning, and had a few fried mini donuts. We all survived, and after a good, hot shower to wash off the dust and sweat I felt great.

AND then, it was back to reality....the unloading of the camper, the gathering of the zoo from various locations, and the general getting back to real lifeness aftermath of vacationing. I got a lot of things done today, and oddly enough I am kind of looking forward to getting back to work tonight. I get a lot of activity at work, according to my fitbit, at least 10,000 steps a night, and since I do "men's" work I also get to do a lot of lifting at work. I can even flex now! Not a whole lot of definition yet, but I'm getting some muscles so watch out!!!

Until next time!!!!

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