Monday, March 11, 2013

Eye Opener

Hey there, another fantastic Monday is here! Actually I don't really care for Mondays much but they are unavoidable so may as well be happy. It has actually been a productive day for me. Parker had his 6 year check up today so I didn't go to class because it's just not possible to make it from Sheboygan to Appleton in under an hour.

Anyway, I had a huge eyeopener today. Anyone that reads this knows that I have been working towards a healthy lifestyle for me and am on a weightloss journey. I have felt bad when Parker feels like he needs to work out or thinks he needs to run like I do. I want to teach my son a healthy lifestyle, but not shove it down his throat. Well, let me tell you folks, sadly that is exactly what I must do it seems. His pediatrician told me today that me son is obese. I have been aware that he has a bit of a chubby tummy, but I have never thought he was obese. She said  a lot of this has to do with the fact that he is short for his age, but still. There's that 6year old is obese. Now, Spring is coming so I am not worried about his physical activity level one bit. There is never an argument trying to get him to go outside and be active. But, it's his eating I need to focus on. He loves fruits and veggies, so getting him to eat them is not hard, but I need to cut out the junk. I have been doing this for myself, but when I look at my son it's like I forget that his body works the same way as mine. But this is it, no more! His pediatrician said that if he doesn't start dropping some weight in 6 months that she wants to do blood work to check his cholesterol. Again, he is 6!!!! Like I said, he has a bit of a tummy, but I never thought it was really an issue since he does eat fruits and veggies.....

So my journey is no longer about me and my wants and needs. This is now about my son. I have always had the goal of teaching him healthy habits, but now it has to be serious!

On another note, I am going to be kickig it into beast mode here shortly. Thanks to a coworker and my bestie both asking me in the same week, it appears as though I am going to be doing the Tough Mudder this year! I am scared beyond bejeesus about it but I have 6 months to train for it. I haven't much focused on strength training since I really prefer cardio, but I need to change that. I am going to need my strenght to do this. So for the next 6 months I will be nervous out of my mind. But, part of this journey is doing things that make me uncomfortable. Like Jillian says, if you don't get uncomfortable, nothing will change." So I am going to get uncomfortable and I am going to work hard and I am going to do this!!! I will be terrified and paranoid the entire time, but I will do it! I will do the best I can and even if I don't do fantastic I will know that I worked hard and did the best I could. So wish me luck people here I go!

My next 5k is this coming Sunday and I am really hoping for some good weather. I am also hoping that I can knock off some more time and improve a bit more. Secretly I am also hoping that I don't come in second last this time... but I guess I will see about that one.  Did I forget to tell you how awesome it was at my last 5k that my bestie was there at the finish line waiting for me? I have complained a few times about noone seeing me, and it really was pretty awesome having a groupie!!! This weekend I get to be Ashley's groupie again as she is doing the 17k for the same event that I am doing the 5k. I am really excited to be there for her longest timed running event thus far!!!

That's pretty much all I have for now except that midterms are in two days and I am freaking out as always!!! But it will be one step closer to becoming a college grad!

Until next time!!!

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