Monday, December 10, 2012

The Weekend

No snappy title for this post. I already used Just Peachy a few posts ago and the feeling is pretty much the same today. The holidays are supposed to be a time for family togetherness and bonding and happiness and all that good stuff. I very much enjoy having my brother and sister and her family over to celebrate Christmas, but the time leading up to that day just seems to have plenty of stress. We have been working on remodeling Parker's playroom into his new bedroom, or should I say I have been working on it. Up until yesterday Brian had not done a single thing to help. Besides that, I have been trying to get the Christmas decorations put up in the house which has not been going that great. I put up the living room decorations only to have them fall down over the night so I had to put them up again. The giant plastic snowflakes hanging from the dining room ceiling have stayed up so far but I did hang them a little low so Brian has to watch where he is walking or he hits his head on them.

Anyway, this weekend has been anything but happy and joyous. I work full time and go to school 3/4 time, I have Parker, and I have been making time for myselef to work out lately so I am very busy these days. Brian and I have an arrangement, he does the outside work and I do the inside work, but he hasn't actually done any outside work since October, and he refuses to help with the inside work. So, we have been at a bit of a stand off, he won't do anything,  why should I? He gets 10 hours of sleep a day, I get an average of 4 hours a day during the week and try to make up for it some on the weekends. The stand off does not seem to be working though. He still will not do something as small as take out the garbage, and the work is piling up and it's driving me nuts. Added to that, he seems to enjoy pointing out all of the things that I need to get done, but never once offers to help. I understand that the house he grew up in he never had to do cleaning or chores, he did outside things. But seriously, to not do any outside things in 2 months and then get on my case because I didn't do the dishes. What did you do besides sleep? Sorry, I love him and he is usually great, but it's really getting to me right now. He has been a total shithead about me working out and says at least once a week if I would stop working out every day that I would have more time to do house work.

The end of the school semester is near and to be honest I am very excited about it. This semester has kicked my butt and I am ready for a break. I just finished a long research paper, I have a final tomorrow and a final paper due this week. There is another test, and then I think that I am finished for a month. I plan on finding a good book to read that isn't related to school. I plan on doing some hardcore cleaning to get the house ready for the holiday company. I plan on getting in some good runs. so even on my time off I am not planning on getting much time off. Brian has also said that he would like to go to our cabin. But, I'm not sure about that. It snowed pretty good here, I would say at least 4 inches, so I imagine that it snowed even worse up north.  Anyone that knows me knows that I hate the snow. I hate winter I hate the cold I pretty much hate it all. Running and working out has become a great source of stress relief for me. My bestest best friend has borrowed me a Jillian Michaels workout dvd and she is kicking my a$$. But I have enjoyed it, and must admit that I bought another Jillian Michaels workout dvd today for my Christmas stocking. I also got the new Hungry Girl cook book. I love the Hungry Girl books! I dont' think that one is making it to my stocking though since I was glancing it over and I have found a few things that I plan on making this week already.

Parker's room remodel is coming along. Brian and his brother put down the new carpet yesterday. The building of the new bed needs to be done yet, probably the key element. Until then I have stuff from that room in about 3 other rooms upstairs and its pretty crowded. I can't get rid of Parker's old bed until the new one is done so I have the contents of 2 bedrooms right now. I also have warp pipes to make and bricks and mystery blocks to paint. There is wall decals to be put up and baseboards to be stained. And only a few weeks to get it done. Then I need to get everything cleaned up and in order so the house looks good for Christmas.

I already hate the snow, and after this weekend I like it even less. Ashley and I were supposed to have some bestie time, but then it snowed and snowed and snowed the whole day and we had to cancel our plans. It did not improve my mood at all and to retaliate I pretty much did nothing. I watched some movies and then went to sleep.

That was pretty much my weekend, new carpet, some painting, movies, sleep, and some working out. Now it's Monday and back to work tonight.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tori , I just read your posting and if there is anything I can do to help just let me know ... As for Brian well its a man thing just keep up the good workouts and well if you's are ment to be together then he will work past the fact that your wanting to look great for him too ... He should be proud of you not upset because you want to get healthy . Good luck keep up the good work ... I'm backing you almost as much as Ashly is .. Your doing GREAT !!!!
