Monday, November 19, 2012

Kicking it up

I used to have a blog, but then I didn't use it for awhile and I broke the phone that the  blog was attached to and somewhere along the line ended up having to get a new email address...and there went my blog. Lately I have felt the urge to write freely again since I do so much writing for school that is so controlled and I thought it would be a good time to start the blog over.

Recently, back in October, I started running. At that time I wouldn't have called it a hobby, but that is really changing lately. I got started running thanks to my bestie, Ashley. She decided she wanted to try her feet at it, and she enjoyed it so much that it motivated me to try it myself. I am using the Couch to 5k program that cost me $1.99 on my smartphone. I must say, I can't say enough good things about it! I have no complaints with it, and it has apparently been just what I need to stick to my goal. I am a person of structure, I need a plan, a strictly laid out plan, direction, and details. With C25k I can see exactly the length of time I should be running, and walking. I have a clear laid out plan and it makes it easier for me.

When I first started running, it wasn't easy. The first week I didn't have proper shoes, I was just wearing a pair of sneakers that are pretty worn out. The first day I couldn't even do the whole workout without cheating. In the first week I got shin about super pain. Not the first time I've had this battle, I had them when I was in the Army as well. But that was 9 years ago, yes, did I mention it's been 9 years since I have run? And even then I didn't consider myself a runner, I hated it and it wasn't fun at all. It was basically run until you can't run any longer then run some more hating every minute of it. This time is different. After the first week I got some new running shoes, and it has made a pretty decent difference. Shortly after that, I ended up really quite sick, talking emergency room visit, getting pulled off work, laying around doing not much more than nothing. I wasn't able to run at all during that, I was barely able to stand for more than 3 minutes there was no way I was going to run. But, as soon as I started to feel better, I got right back to it. I did start the program over though in order to give myself the best chance to succeed.

When I first started, my goal was to be ready to run a 5k by January 1st, 2013. Ashley and I are already registered for it and totally psyched, it's a color run!!! I admit, the thought of running a 5k in the dead of winter is very frightening, but with the weather we have had lately, who knows it may not be that bad after all. Since that time, my goal has evolved. Instead of just the color run, I have set a goal to do a run every month for the next year. Starting in December. There is a sleigh bell run just a few minutes from home that Ashley and I plan on doing. She is way ahead of me, and doing the 5 mile run, and I am doing the 2 mile run, but just knowing she has my back makes it that much better.

Oh yeah, on a side note, if you are going to read my blog you should probably get used to hearing the name Ashley. She is my best friend, I wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for her, and I love her to death for it!!!! I have been trying for a few years to find the right path for me to get back to the way I used to be, and nothing has ever clicked until now. It seems like I have found my motivation and I may actually stick with something for once! Someone at work recently saw a picture of me that was taken (by Ashley coincidently) just two months before I started my job, and said "damn Victoria what happended to you? You used to look good." Yes, I did used to look good, and that picture wasn't even the best. I used to look even better than that. I have it set in my head now that I will get back there. I am not expecting fast results, I know this is going to be a journey, but it's a journey I know I have to take.

Also on my team I have my son, Parker, he is probably my biggest cheerleader. He pushes me without even knowing it. Now that it's colder outside and I don't want him outside for that long, I do a good portion of my running inside on a treadmill. Parker will be right beside my most of the time just talking to me about his day. He really has no clue how much he keeps me going. I want him to see me succeed at things so that he knows he can succeed at the things he does as well. I also have my wonderful fiancee, Brian. He is not the outward cheerleader type of guy, but he is supportive and encouraging in everyway. He never once complains when I am playing music too loud for him to sleep while I am running on the treadmill. He has watched my son so that I can go to Zumba class and so that I can go run outside. I have an Aunt that encourages me very often, it really makes a difference to have someone on your side.

Along with running, I started going to Zumba classes with Ashley, yep, there she is again! The session we were doing has ended, which is pretty sad to me, I really did enjoy them a lot. I have been doing some at home dvd's but they are just not even close.

This brings me to the kicking it up portion. Since I have started running, and doing Zumba once a week, I have been doing well. I have been looking for something to do on the days that I don't run. Today I ran earlier than usual, and during the time I usually run, I did one of my at home dvd's. Again, not the same as going to Zumba, but still a decent work out. I must say, even with my run and an extra workout, I feel great! I'm looking forward to doing it again tomorrow! Although, I do still have to go to work in a few hours so we shall see how it turns out.

That's all I've got for now,

Love you all!

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