Monday, June 9, 2014

That time I did crack

Ok, so I never did crack, but anyone that knows me knows that I had a major Mt. Dew addiction. Like hardcore, no joke. I have been running in 5k's for a year and a half now, and  since I have expanded my goals and  am currently training to run a marathon, I knew it was time to give up my "crack" for good. I am happy to say, it had been two weeks and three days Mt. Dew free for me. This is pretty big for me, usually by now I am walking around like a crack addict going through withdrawals. But this time I am doing pretty well. I do wake up with a headache every morning, but I am hopeful that will go away soon. If not, at least I am the only one up in the morning so no one sees me all crazy and what not.

I did have one incident where I did sniff an empty Mt. Dew bottle that Brian had. I was rinsing out the recyclables and there was the empty bottle and I totally sniffed it just to smell the soda. Then I laughed at myself because it was totally ridiculous. I didn't try to squeeze a few drops out so I am pretty proud of that.

Since I have stopped drinking the Mt. Dew I have noticed an improvement in my running. I used to get a side pain something fierce after about 5 minutes. Now I am getting to about 2 miles before I get a side pain and even then it's not nearly as bad. I can still run through it.  I think that finally getting to first shift has also been great for kicking my crack habit. I get enough sleep now which eliminates a lot of the dependency I had on soda just to stay awake.

I think this may be the last time that I have to try to kick my addiction. I've tried many times before and have always failed, but I think this time will be different.

On another note, this weekend I ran in another 5k This was a local run and it was rather small. I ran with Ashley, we both set goals for finishing and happy to say, we both finished in our goal time! Ashley killed her goal! I made my goal, but didn't crush it. But, I'm ok with that. I am improving all the time and that's the important thing. Ashley and I have both decided that we prefer doing runs that are a bit bigger. I feel like I stand out too much in the small runs. Despite all the flashy colors that I wear, I don't like people to look at me when I run.
Here we are, are you sick of our post race pics yet? Hope not because we aren't nearly finished yet. We already have plans to do a 5k on the 4th of July, and we are registered for a mud run in August, so more pics are coming!

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