Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last Weekend (In words and pictures)

I know, thrilling title. There were actually a few others that went through my head, for example, I suck, Stomach Projectilings, migrane from Hades....if you read this whole post you will understand.

Last weekend was a very busy and cram packed weekend for me. There are some weekends where I have nothing going on, and there are some weekends where I don't have a minute to think. This past weekend was one of those crazy weekends and for the most part it was pretty great. After work Saturday morning I picked Parker up from my grandma's house, and we went home. I right away started with cleaning and getting ready for his birthday party the next afternoon. I started baking the cake, I decided to make it myself just because....well, why not?
That's the batter before it got baked, pretty cool huh?
While I was baking and getting things done, my bestie Ashley texted me and said that her and her little man were going to go snow shoeing at our local nature center in a few hours and invited Parker and I to join them. I knew I had a lot to get done, but I have never been snow shoeing before and I really wanted to go. So I decided that if I got all three parts of the cake baked in time that we would go. Cakes finished baking just in time for me to change my clothes and us to head out the door. So, snow shoeing we went.

I have to admit, it got a little long and it was a bit colder than I would have liked, but it really was a blast! Parker had a great time and he said he wants to do it again! I have realized since my bestie moved back home, how many things we have right at our finger tips that can get us out and active and still be a great fun family activity. I always love our play dates! After we got home from snow shoeing we were pretty pooped. I made some supper while Parker warmed up.
After supper he pretty much zonked out within 5 minutes. I took a 2 hour or so nap then got up and went back to work on my cake. It was about 4a.m. when I got to bed, and had the alarm set for 7am Sunday morning. Because of course, what should you do before a birthday party? You should run a 5k that's what! So that's what Ashley and I did. We participated in the 1st Annual Schneelauf run in Elkhart Lake. It was actually a pretty decent day out, about 28 degrees and not too windy, but there was not the sunshine that there was supposed to be so it was still pretty darn cold. I have added another shirt to my collection of runing shirts, and completed another run in my year of runs! I cannot lie, I am dissappointed in this run though. I came in 2nd last. There was only 1 other runner after me and it was an older gentleman. I knew pretty much the whole time that I was almost last and I wanted to quit. I wanted to just stop and walk off and take a shortcut back to the ending spot. But I knew that my bestie was there waiting for me. I also knew that this was the smallest run that I had ever been in, there were only 101 runners and a handful of walkers. Also, about a mile in I got this shooting pain through my brain. I have suffered from migranes for a long time, but this was a killer. And it struck at the worst time possible! I mean really, a mile into my run? So I pushed through, and I had to walk at times, but I did not stop and I did not quit. I finished, and I actually ended up cutting just over a minute off of my January 5k time. I know that I shouldn't be dissappointed, I cut a minute off my time even with the migrane from Hades. But, noone wants to finish that close to the end. I mean, 2nd last at 26 and the only person after me was in his 50's? But you know what, I was out there, I did it. I am working to make the changes in my life so that I can run that whole 5k someday. So that I don't come in last or 2nd last. So that when I am in my 50's I can run a 5k and maybe be the inspiration to that person chugging along at the end feeling badly about themselves.
So, here it is, my 3rd run in my year of runs, and I'm already signed up for the next one in March. I hope to cut some more time off and I'm also hoping for some warmer weather.
After the run we headed back home. I jumped in the shower, then set out getting the rest of the things ready for Parker's birthday party. Here is where I have to start giving thanks, pretty much every person that walked into my house got put to work. I have some awesome friends and family! I got to see a friend that I used to work with, I feel really special that she took the time to drive almost an hour to celebrate my son with me!!! Nara, you rock!!!

Parker had a magician themed party, so of course I had magic candles. Surprisingly he took it pretty well and just kept blowing them out. There was one that just kept relighting it was pretty hilarious!
For the entire party I still had my massive headache, and it was making me feel really not great at all. I had one taco to eat, and could not even eat a piece of cake. I took one bite.
****Disclosure, not for the weak of stomach****
Those of you that left the party earlier than others, consider yourself lucky. All of a sudden my feeling not great turned into feeling really not great and I knew there was going to be puke. Let's just say it was not pretty all across my kitchen floor, in the bathroom, and I somehow managed to make a stunning spray across the wall that I still haven't figured out. Here is where I have to give huge thanks. My sister and Brian are absolutely amazing!!! I cannot thank them enough! And to my niece who unfortunatly did not listen to the warning to stay out of the kitchen and had a falling incident I am sorry. I hope that is not a memory of me that you keep for too long.
Thankfully there are no pictures of this portion of the weekend so you are now safe. I can't believe that my little baby is going to be 6. Yes, it was not actually his birthday, but due to scheduling I usually have his party a week early. He said he had a great party and he really likes all of his gifts so all in all it was a good day! After the party and....the stomach projectilings, he and I went upstairs and both zonked out watching tv and snuggling. I'm happy that he still isn't too old to snuggle when one of us isn't feeling well.
Join me again next week when I am sure I will sob about my baby growing up too fast and all that jazz that you get from mothers.
Until then, let me leave you with a quote that really struck me today.
"Pain is temporary, quitting is forever!" 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How I do it

 It seems like every day at least one person says to me "I don't know how you do it." They mean, work full time, go to school 3/4 time, and still have time for my family. To be honest, I'm not really sure how I do it either. I just do. Most days I only get about 4 hours of sleep. I pay for that on the weekends. I am usually in bed by 10 or 11p.m. and sleep until 7a.m. Let me tell you, that messes with the 3rd shift work schedule. On Wednesdays I have class after work. By the time I get home it's time for lunch, which is the only time I get to see my fiancee during the week, and after that I have maybe an hour before Parker gets done with school. Thank you school district for getting out an hour early every single Wednesday...can someone please tell me why this is necessary? With everything else I still find time for myself. I have my bestest best friend to thank for that. My weight has been spiriling out of control the last couple of years. I have made every excuse in the book as to why it didn't matter. One of them being time. When did I have time to work out?

Well let me tell you, making the time to work out has been one of the best things I have done lately. Life is stressful, everyone seems  to think I make my crazy schedule look easy, but it comes with a lot of stress. During the week I am pretty much a single parent. Brian works 2nd shift so he is gone before Parker gets done with school. So homework supper and "tubbies" are all up to me. I have always said that I didn't have my son so that I could ignore him. But I have learned that taking time to workout is by no means ignoring him. In fact, it has been one more activity that we have started doing together. I am trying to teach my son healthy habits so he never has to get to the point that I hit. I am looking forward to this summer and getting outside to run with him. He loves to just go go go so why not let him? Sometimes he doesn't want to work out with me when I do it, so he just does what he does. He is after all, almost 6. He is capable of playing upstairs by himself long enough for me to work out and shower. He actually told me I didn't work out long enough the other day, his show wasn't over with yet.

Going back to school a year ago was a big decision that affected the stress in my life. It has been stressfull, but worth it. I realized that putting it off wasn't going to make it any easier. Now I am mad that I didn't go back sooner. But, that's the past and I am focused on the present. I do this because I want to be the best possible version of myself!

A couple weeks ago Ashley and I went to yoga on Thursday instead of Friday, before class starts we always get a quote to come back to during our yoga. On that particular day the quote was "Be the change you wish to see in the world" from Ghandi. I have come back to that quote several time since then. Iam not thinking so much the world, but my family. I wish for my son to go to college, so that is why I do it. I wish for my son to make healthy choices, so that is why I do it. Honestly I don't know how I do it some days either, but I do it. I don't think about it, I just do it. It needs to be done. I've got no time for excuses anymore.

And to end my post today, I got the rest of my Valentine's Day present from Brian this past weekend!!! Her name is ShelLdon (yes the second L is capitalized on purpose) and she is a Greek tortoise. Parker has decided that her middle name is "the tortoise" so her full name would be ShelLdon The Tortoise Bernard. (Please do not tell her that ShelLdon is a boys name, I had it picked out before I knew she was a girl and I was pretty stuck on it.) Anyway, she is quite amuzing and I am rather enjoying her. I guess that's good because their average lifespan is 50 years with some of them living as long as 70.

 The guy at the pet store said it could take a few months for her to get comfortable, but she is already really sociable. Whenever I pick her up she sticks her head and legs out instead of pulling them in. She was soaking in her water bowl today which is a great sign that she is all comfy in her new home. So we are now getting quite the zoo in our house. 3 humans a boxer, guinea pig, and a tortoise.

Have a fantastic day!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's been Awhile..

Throwback to some Stained there in the title! But it's true, it has been awhile. I kind of knew that it would be once classes started again. My crazy life gets a littel crazier then. And the further along I get in school the harder it gets, who would have thought? Anyway, on to my life.

Ashley and I have started doing hot yoga. This is basically yoga but what makes it so appealing is it done in a hot room. Let me tell you, with Wisconsin winter on in full blast, hot yoga was just the escape we needed. We have gone twice now, and done a session with each of the two instructors. They each have their own style, but are both just as effective. Yoga is really quite a workout, but it is so relaxing. After it's over it is usually time for me to take a quick nap before work, and let me tell you, I fall asleep right away and sleep like a little baby. I don't want to get up when my alarm goes off, but I usually don't want to any night. Working 3rd shift really sucks! I really don't like it. But, I love my son and it's what I have to do, working 2nd is not an option anymore.

This week was pretty awesome, back in October I had gotten Brian and I tickets to see Jeff Dunham live in Green Bay and it was finally time to go see him this past Friday!!!! I was so excited!!! Traffic was nuts, and I slipped and fell on the stairs in the place and I have some awesome sore spots from it, but oh well. It was so worth it!!! I am really glad that we went, it was so worth taking a night of vacation from work.

Yesterday I was working on getting Parker's birthday party invitations finalized and printed out, but my printer would not cooperate with me. Growl! But I can't believe that my baby is turning 6 in three weeks! I know that all moms go through this every year as their kids get older, but it just blows my mind. My little guy isn't so little anymore. He is independant and sassy and smart and just overall amazing! Again lately I have been getting questioned by several people as to when Brian and I are going to have a baby. Sorry people my answer still has not changed. We are still a one child family. It's true I do have a sadness at the fact that my baby will never again be that tiny baby that I could hold whenever I wanted. That little baby that I could comfort so quickly when others could not. He is now a boy that I get to watch grow and learn. I guess that sadness isn't strong enough for me to want to be pregnant again. I was not good at being pregnant and I do not wish to go through it again. So, I guess I will just be stuck being sad that my baby isn't a baby anymore.

After birthday invitation making I got some cleaning done, then went to the store and got some supplies. I had some people over to play dominoes last night. Not a party or anything just my sister and her crew and my brother and my bestie and her little man. It's funny that some people my age (kids or no kids) spend their Saturday nights out partying and drinking all night and I am perfectly happy being at home with a few people playing a nice mild game of dominoes. Sometimes we even get wild and play cards! I have to say, I really do love my life!

So Valentine's day is coming up next week....Boy are we romantic this house, Brian wants and is getting a chainsaw for Valentine's day. As for me, he told me what his idea is to get me, and it's something that I have been saying that I really want so I am excited! Sorry, can't spill what it is cause that would ruin the surprise! Honestly though, I have been thinking abouttelling him not to get me that though because it's something that I really don't need and really isn't useful in any way it's just something I saw and would like to have. I have thought about telling him to just put that money towards the new treadmill that I would like to buy myself. I really actually need a treadmill and it would be really usefull. I had one for a few weeks before it broke and tried to throw me out of a 2nd story window. I don't know.... I still haven't decided on a treadmill though. They are kind of expensive for  a really nice one. But then I think of the cost of my health and weight loss journey vs the cost of a gym membership around here and I don't think a treadmill is all that expensive. I guess we shall see. So for Valentine's day Brian will enjoy his chainsaw, which actually benifits me as well since he wants it so he can cut wood for burning at the cabin, and I will enjoy my....still can't tell you what it is!!!! And we will go on in our super romantic ways of life! Next time I write I will try to put a picture of my Valentine's gift so you can see what it is!! It's pretty good, that man actually does listen to me when I talk!
Until then!