Wednesday, January 13, 2016

So Far

So far 2016 has been pretty awesome! I have been working out more often and pushing myself harder. I have big goals for this year and so far things are going well. I really want to get more swimming done this year, I started doing it last year and I really liked it. Right now though I am not all about the swimming because it's cold. Like below zero cold and I'm not all about going outside after a swim. I'm a pansy, I've come to terms with it.

When we moved I joined the fitness center at the local high school and I have been making a point to go there more often. Recently I learned how to use more of the equipment because that stuff scares me. It's been intimidating lately because all the college kids are home from school for winter break so there are all these young fit people that just seems to hang around a lot and they are in the way of where I want to go a lot. They seem to do a lot more standing around talking about lifting than they do actually lifting things. Oh well, it's all ok, let them do them and I'll do me.

I have been avoiding the scale lately. It's a big liar anyway. My last round of my fitness program I lost a few pounds in 6 weeks, but I lost 7 inches so I put more stock in that than I do the  number on the scale. I have been trying to get my nutrition down along with my workouts. Food sucks. Well, food doesn't suck that's the issue, I like food.....too much...small steps though, I don't have a mt. dew addiction anymore. I actually don't even like the taste of it anymore so that's pretty great.
So true, I have learned that I make a lot of excuses and convince myself that I can't do things before I even give myself a chance to succeed. So this year, I have made it my resolution to get out of my own way.