Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Should have been a ballerina

    I am so graceful that I should have been a ballerina. I am certain of it. I would have been fantastic. I can't even type that with a straight face. I am so not graceful. At all. After I did the mini tri, I decided that swimming is a pretty good workout and I wanted to incorporate it into my workout schedule. My Thursday yoga class got cancelled and my friend Sarah and I decided to go swimming instead. Sarah is fantastic and I recently learned that she used to be a swimmer. This was awesome because she gave me some great advice on breathing techniques and she also complimented my head condom. The swim was really great, I did 14 laps, I should have done one more and made it 15 but I'm a dork. I look forward to swimming with Sarah again, she makes it look easy. The swim was awesome and I felt great!

   When we were finished I walked into the locker room, and whacked my toe on the bench. Like really hard, and it hurt really badly and it started to bleed immediately! Yup, me, the queen of grace. Told you I should have been a ballerina.

But then I remembered that we have Despicable Me bandaids and the world was all ok again. This incident happened a few weeks ago. Update on my toe, it doesn't really hurt anymore, but the toenail is going to fall off. It's not attached by much anymore and I am going to loose another toenail. This trying to get fit thing sure is costing me a lot of toenails! 
Just after the toe incident my local pool closed for it's yearly cleaning and maintenance. It reopened this week and I am very excited to get back in the water. Hopefully without injuring any more toes. Or anything else for that matter.
My dreams of becoming a graceful ballerina have been destroyed, but maybe there is still hope for me somewhere.