Friday, May 29, 2015

Guess Who's Back! And I'm BADASS!!

  Guess who's back, back again. Shady's back, tell a friend.... Well, I don't know if Shady is back or not that's a lie, but I'm back. I haven't blogged much lately and I am a bit behind.

   Earlier this month I did a new thing. You see, after my knee incident in January and not finishing the Dopey Challenge, I was talking to my friend at work. I was telling her that I still super love running, but I have been itching to branch out and try some other things as well. I told her how one day I would love to do a triathlon. Not long after this conversation she got a membership at the YMCA (c'mon you know you wanna sing it out loud, do it!) Not long after she joined she comes to work and tells me that her Y is holding a mini triathlon. She said it, and I'm like we have to do it! She wasn't totally sure, but I was like nope, we are in. So we had about 5 weeks to train for this thing. It didn't seem too bad, the only part I was worried about at all was the swim. I don't swim. I haven't swam laps since grade school and I remember nothing about swimming form. We ordered some gear, cuz we all know that having the gear makes you legit and that's all that matters.

    Before I knew it the weeks were gone and the day was here. Oh yeah, and I made it to the pool exactly 1 time to practice. Not even joking, I went there several times, but it was closed to the public, there were no open lanes, a bunch of stuff just happened. I tried getting up an extra hour early for work, (4:30a.m.) but that didn't happen. Then the time was gone and the day was here. I seriously thought about not going. Like full on debated on what excuse I could use that would get me out of it without looking like a jerk. People would see me, I was going to look ridiculous, I had no idea if I could even finish. There was a whole laundry list of excuses that kept going on in my head. But then I rememebered that most of physiclal activities are totally mental. So I pulled my head out of my butt and just started driving. (With my GPS of course because I have never even been to this town.)

     I arrived and met up with my friend, Joanna, and we went in to register. I saw all these people that looked very physically fit, and there was even a guy with an ironman tat. I soon after saw said ironman guy fall and get hauled out by an ambulance and then I thought I was totally screwed. I started to get all up in my own head again, but then I just calmed myself and got ready.

We got numbers on our legs and I felt all legit and stuff! I told myself all I had to do was finish and I'd be happy. We had a time goal of about an hour and a half but I really wasn't sure on that, just finish I said, just finish.
So it was finally our turn and the swim was first. Ok, at least I'll get the hard part out of the way right away then it should get easier. I started the swim and that shit is exhausting! I ended up finishing with the backstroke. Ain't no shame in that, I finished. Then I put on my running stuff, do you have any idea how hard it is to get dressed straight out of the pool? It's pretty hard. My socks did not want to go on like at all. I already hate wearing socks and shoes and this did. not. help. I hopped on my bike (oh yeah, the swim and the bike were indoors) and started to pedal away. The bike portion wasn't bad at all, no hills on an indoor bike so that was great. Except I worked up quite a sweat. It was dripping off of me. Sorry people, your spin bike now has some of my funk. It's ok, I've got extra, I sweat like a dude. Can't help it, it is what it is.
When the bike hit 5 miles I was off for the run...Careful on the steps though, they take people out! My legs felt odd of course, but they felt pretty good. The run portion was a 5k and was outdoors. They ran the tri in heats, and we were in the last heat so when we started the run there were literally 3 of us out running. And that other girl, she was fast and she was on her way back way ahead of us. The run was an out an back and there was a really really big hill right before the turn around. I walked that thing. Didn't even care. I was tired and it was a big hill. I finished the swim right around 15 minutes, and the bike had taken me 20 minutes almost exactly, and the 5k ended up being a little under 45 minutes. So I totally finished in way under 1 and a half hours.
1 hour 14 minutes and 15 seconds to be precise!
Here is my friend Joanna and I at the finish. She came in about a minute ahead of me. So we finished the mini triathlon, and crushed our time goals. Technically that makes me a triathlete and that makes me BADASS!!! I am so happy to finally be badass!
And that number took about 3 days to scrub off my leg. But that's ok, it was awesome! And I am pretty sure that we have decided that we are going to do this again next year. (Also I am pretty sure I shall convince Ashley to do it as well, she just doesn't know it yet)